Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Georgian cross

A friend went to Georgia recently, and brought some beautiful souvenirs for his daughters: a bag and a purse made of hessian fabric embroidered with traditional Georgian crosses. The hessian was darker brown than what I've seen for sale here, and the colours of embroidery were also dark and earthy. My first thought was – I want one of those! But then creative process strayed, as usual. I had a piece of plastic canvas lying around, so used that and acrylic yarn in «autumn» colours. Here I found a collection of beautiful patterns of Georgian traditional embroidery – thank you to Natia! http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/natikodiz/album/76500
And this was something to help creative process along
After one pattern was ready, I couldn't decide for some time what to do with it. A coaster? Or a bag? Finally, it progressed into being a purse. I had to make another large side and the three narrow strips to add width. Now I have to dig up leftovers of brown lining fabric, which I know I have somewhere, and find a suitable brown zipper. Will post pictures when it's ready!

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